Sunday, November 30, 2008

Jaimie & Emma - Snoozin' Away....

No wonder Jaimie likes to take care of Emma...this appears to be a very stressful job!!

Happy Thanksgiving, Marmee!

And look what was in Lauren's roaster this Thanksgiving!!

Here She Is! Miss Merry Christmas 2008!

And here she is! Making her debut! All dressed in red with bright little lips, a cherry nose, and eyes that sparkle and dance!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

In the Army!

Just got the first picture of Chase in his army duds and Tori is pretty proud!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Can't Touch This!

I have spent the last few days painting, repainting, and yet painting again with my sister at her place. I just thought we'd upload the final product so you can see how great it turned out. Please note the exquisite choice in colors, how they blend and do not duplicate due to copyright laws. You might also note that we are available for consultations and will charge a reasonable fee, plus travel expenses, of course. Also note that we use only the latest in technological advances as you will see from the specialized drying applicance on the right.

Welcome to our Rumblin's!

I decided instead of just posting our pics and non-sense info to the kids only, I would go ahead and throw up a blog so the rest of our friends and family can have yet one more thing to delete. Since we live in the Promised Land and the rest of you are in Utah (purgatory) or elsewhere, I figure you might want to click on once in a while and see what we've been up to and what our kids look like since they will be aged before you see them again--and I will never age.

This morning we went to Jakob's Wax Museum where he was King Tut. He was very excited about this and wanted much glitz and glamour to go with the costume, but alas, his Mom is a stick in the mud and wouldn't put black eye make-up on him no matter what they think his Royal Highness looked like. Meanwhile, we are off to send Mike back to Utah to bring all our good crap back so we can fill our house with stuff we will need to keep track of and clean up after.

Hope this finds you all well and we look forward to seeing you check in once in a while!